• professional association marketing banner with direct mail being opened

marketing envelopes for an association stacked up on a graphic backgroundAssociation Marketing, Membership & Publishing Solutions

Proven Strategies for Member Engagement and Growth

For more than 30 years we have helped a diverse group of associations recruit and retain members, market products, communicate with their members, and promote meetings. Having seen what works both in and outside the association world, we bring innovative ideas and outstanding execution of programs to help increase revenue and improve response rates.

How Associations Benefit from Our Experience

Our journey with repeat clients like the American Dental Association, ACHE’s Health Administration Press, and National Council of Teachers of English has equipped us with insights to offer tailored solutions that:

Enhance Membership Acquisition and Retention: We employ targeted strategies to improve response rates and deepen member engagement.

Boost Event Attendance: Utilize our expertise to increase participation at your conferences, meetings, and seminars.

Expand Revenue Streams: From books and magazines to educational materials and events, we help you grow your revenue channels.

Engage Young Professional Members: Our innovative approaches are designed to attract and engage younger professionals with your association.

Strengthen Member Loyalty: We focus on developing and enhancing relationships, fostering lasting loyalty and engagement with your association.

Among the many prominent associations who have relied on us for their marketing needs are:
American Dental AssociationAssociation of Nutrition & Foodservice Professionals
American Society for Clinical PathologyClub Management Association of Americas
Health Administration PressNational Council of Teachers of English

Proven Results for Clients of Print & Marketing Solutions

What matters most, of course, are the results achieved by clients such as these. The numbers tell the story:

marketing mailouts for an association stacked up on a black backgroundSavings of more than $10,000 in production costs for a client’s member-acquisition program. The integrated member card/brochure we designed also streamlined their fulfillment process.

Savings of more than $11,000 and faster delivery resulted from a new-member kit we created for a client.

A response rate more than 100% higher than in prior years, achieved by a lapsed-member mailing we designed and implemented for a client.


Budget-Savvy Marketing for Today’s Professional Association

Like many associations today, yours may be operating on a tighter marketing budget than in past years. That’s understandable, as many professionals now struggle to fit association membership into their busy schedules.

That’s also why we constantly look for opportunities to help associations get the most out of every marketing dollar. Two solutions we encourage all our clients to consider are:

ChapterLink™ is our web-based solution that makes it easy for your chapters to promote your organization locally with logo-imprinted items. Besides saving you time and costs, it provides full support to your chapter contacts, from online-proofing their orders to tracking of billing and shipping.  Similar technology also allows you to quickly develop and deploy an Association Member Store with custom Merch to help strengthen your brand and engagement with members as well as provide an additional revenue stream.
Learn more about ChapterLink

Personalized URL (PURL) and QR Code Marketing can improve attendance at events and reduce printing and mailing costs. Instead of sending brochures to your entire list, PURLs allow members to “RSVP online” to your meeting, identify which sessions or topics are of most interest, and directly link to online registration. You can then target future mailings based on interests.
Learn more about PURL Marketing.  Personalized QR codes can provide the same benefits on mobile devices.

See how a PURL (Personalized URL) can fit into an integrated marketing campaign by clicking the diagram below (to view at full size). A sample PURL link is shown in step #2 of the diagram:


Request Innovative & Cost-Effective Campaign Ideas Today

Discover how we can transform your association’s marketing strategies and help you achieve new heights. We’re ready to partner with you in creating a lasting impact for your members and constituents.